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At the River’s Edge Page 18
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Page 18
“Liking them and wanting to wear them are two different things.”
“So how’s my pop’s backyard coming along?”
“Great. He wanted to show it off to your family this weekend, so I had some sod laid yesterday and it looks good.”
“He’s having the out-of-towners over for brunch before they leave to go home. I thought it was pretty ambitious, but he’s having it catered, so he really doesn’t have to do anything.” She thought of the look on her grandfather’s face when he announced the brunch to the rehearsal dinner attendees. “He seems so happy to be hosting everyone. He even invited my mom and Delia.”
“Who’s Delia?”
Sophie explained.
“Let me get this straight. Your grandfather invited two of his former daughters-in-law.”
“Right. It’s okay. They like each other. At least, they appear to like each other. Probably because all of us—my dad’s older kids, that is—we all get along. Finding them—my two half sisters and brother—has been one of the best things to happen to me in a long time. They’re all terrific people and have wonderful spouses and kids.”
“Your one sister looks just like you.”
“Zoey.” Sophie nodded. “We do look a lot alike. That was pretty freaky, the first time I met her.”
“That’s quite a complicated family tree you’ve got there,” he said.
“You have no idea.”
“But it’s nice that all of your siblings—half or otherwise—are here for Jesse.”
“Oh, not all of them. Pammie’s son isn’t here.”
“Who is Pammie?”
“My dad’s third wife. The one he left my mother for.”
“Right. But Judd’s only nine, and since there was no way in hell that Jesse would invite Pammie, he wasn’t about to invite her son. He may be a very nice little boy. I’ve only met him a few times and he was very quiet each time. Who knows what the kid thinks now that his father has left them?”
“Your father left them, too?”
“Last year. For Tish.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “They might be married, but maybe not. No one knows for sure.”
“Sounds like someone has commitment issues.”
“Oh, he commits. He just can’t stick. If that were the only issue my father had, we could deal with it,” she said dryly. “How about you?”
“No errant branches that I know about. My parents only married one time—to each other—and Eric is—was—my only sibling.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“It happened to a lot of families. The war … well, it’s been hard on a lot of people.”
“Listen, Jason … what I said before, about Jesse and Brooke …”
“It’s okay, Sophie.” He seemed to be searching for words. “I don’t know why things happen the way they do. Eric and Brooke did love each other very much. They should have been able to live out their lives together, maybe have a few more kids together, to live happily ever after, like in the fairy tales. But that wasn’t in the cards for them. Sometimes life throws a curve when you least expect it and you have to deal with it. My parents dying when they did … Eric … I don’t know why those things had to happen, but they did. I’m glad—really, I am—that Brooke found someone to love who loves her as much as Jesse does. I mean, it’s obvious that he’s totally shit-faced over her …”
Sophie smiled. “To put it mildly.”
“They’re happy together, and I’m happy for them. I wish my brother hadn’t died so that she could have had that happy ending with Eric—I’m not going to lie. But I’m glad she’s happy with someone and I’m glad it’s Jesse. He’s a good man and he’s very good to Logan, and that means a lot to me.” He looked up, and even in the dark she could see the sadness in his eyes.
“You love your nephew very much.”
Jason nodded. “He’s all I have left of my family.”
“How old were you when your parents died?”
“I’d just turned fifteen. Eric was eighteen, old enough to qualify as my guardian, which means I didn’t have to go into foster care. Our grandmother lived with us for a while, but Eric was more responsible than she, and we had a neighbor who was very good to both of us. We managed.” He took a long sip of his beer. “I don’t know where I’d be … what I’d be … if Eric hadn’t been there for me.” He paused, then added simply, “Things were really tough all the way around after the accident.”
“It must have been very hard to lose both parents at the same time. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like.”
He turned his head and looked out toward the water. In the dark, the waves brushed quietly against the sand and for a long moment, there was no other sound.
“Yeah, it was rough,” he said softly.
Music began to float across the lawn from the ballroom, where someone must have opened the French doors to bring in fresh air. Jason’s grief seemed to float around him along with the music, and it saddened her.
“Dance with me again.” She stood and held out her hand. When he took it, she pulled him to his feet and draped an arm around his neck. She moved in close to him and he had no choice but to hold her. When she began to sway, he swayed with her. They danced in silence, but this time, when the song ended, she did not step away.
“I’m sorry that you lost so much,” she told him.
Jason shrugged. “A lot of people have lost more than I did. A lot of people have it worse than …”
She drew his face down to hers and kissed his mouth to stop the words. His lips were softer than she’d expected, hesitant, as if surprised to find themselves pressed to hers. But if there’d been some confusion on his part, it passed. His arms tightened around her and his tongue teased the corner of her mouth. When he started to release her, she pulled him back to her. It had been a long time since she’d been kissed like this, and she wasn’t ready to let him go. Jason had reawakened something inside her that had died after her breakup with Christopher, and now that that spark was coming back to life, she wanted to see where it would lead. She kissed him again, letting herself feel the heat that was growing between them.
When the kiss ended, he touched his forehead to hers and said, “Was that a ‘poor Jason’ kiss?”
“No.” Her hands slid to his lapels. “That was an ‘I wanted you to kiss me and you didn’t so I had to take matters into my own hands’ kiss.”
“Oh.” He seemed to reflect on that for a moment. “How was it?”
“Pretty darned good.”
“I thought so, too. Want to try it again?”
“Yes, but just a quick little one this time. I really need to get back inside before people start to worry about me.”
The kiss was neither quick nor little, and it left Sophie a little breathless and wishing she were somewhere other than a family wedding.
“To be continued.” She pulled away and taking him by the hand, started back along the path to the inn.
The music grew louder the closer they got to the building, but by the time they arrived at the ballroom, it had all but ceased.
“Crap, they’re cutting the cake already. Let’s just sort of drift into the room as if we’d never left.”
“Good idea,” he agreed.
Everyone at Sophie’s table was standing and facing the dance floor, where Brooke and Jesse were in the process of cutting their wedding cake.
“I hope he doesn’t do something dorky like smash that into her face,” Sophie said under her breath.
“Oh, there you are.” Sophie’s mother turned. “We’ve all been wondering where you were.”
“Oh, I’ve been around,” Sophie replied.
“Where are your shoes?” Olivia looked down at Sophie’s feet.
“My shoes?” Sophie followed her mother’s gaze. “Oh, damn, my shoes. They were bothering me and I took them off …”
“Ah, I think I saw them …” Jason pointed in the general direction of the lobby. “I’ll just go �
�� I’ll find them.”
“ ‘Oh, Mother, I hardly know the man.’ ” Olivia whispered after Jason turned and headed for the door. “If that isn’t a direct quote, it’s damned close.”
“Close enough,” Sophie muttered.
Olivia laughed. “You’re such a poor actress, and you’re all flushed. Why, if I didn’t know better, I’d think …”
“Don’t think, Mom.” Her mouth suddenly dry, Sophie reached for her water glass and took a long drink. “Spare us all, and don’t think.”
Olivia was still smiling when Jason returned with Sophie’s shoes. Sophie was grateful that her mother turned her back when he handed them to her.
“Here you go, Cinderella,” he said.
“Well, if I’m Cinderella, you must be Prince Charming.” She tucked the shoes under her chair and made a mental note to remember they were there.
“I’m no prince.” He stood with a hand on the back of her chair.
“Don’t sell yourself short,” she told him. “Now pull over that chair and let’s see if we can carry on a conversation now that the music’s starting again.”
Talk was impossible when the band played a dance number and many of the guests took to the floor and sang along with the band.
“Now, do you …” Sophie pointed to the dance floor where bodies gyrated to “Moves Like Jagger.”
“Uh-uh.” Jason shook his head.
“Do you mind if I do? I see Mia and Steffie out there dancing with Brooke, and I could probably join them …”
“Go on. I’ll stay here and talk to your mom.”
She hesitated. Did she really want her mother talking to Jason after the way Olivia interrogated her?
“Go.” Jason laughed. “I think I can handle it.”
She went, and she danced three numbers back-to-back before nearing exhaustion. She made her way back to the table, where—Lord help her—Olivia was in deep conversation with Jason.
“What are you two talking about?” She maneuvered her chair so that she was between them.
“Just … things,” Olivia told her with a wave of her hand.
“Oh.” Sophie debated whether or not to ask what things they’d been talking about, especially since her mother appeared somewhat smug. She lost her chance when Logan appeared and hung over Jason’s shoulder.
“What’s up, buddy?” Jason reached an arm out to keep his nephew from falling into his lap. “Tired?”
“Uh-huh.” Logan leaned but didn’t fall.
“Past your bedtime by about … oh, almost two hours,” Jason noted.
“Everything okay?” Jason asked.
“I don’t wanna stay at Gramma’s house tonight. Can’t I stay with you?” Before Jason could reply, Logan added, “It’s Saturday night, and that’s supposed to be guys’ night.”
“Why don’t you want to stay at your grandmother’s?”
Logan shrugged. “Just don’t.”
Jason’s eyes met Sophie’s, and she knew he’d been thinking the same thing she was. Their evening was ending too soon. If nothing else, she’d been hoping for another dance or two.
“Well …” Jason appeared momentarily torn. He stared down at Logan for a moment, then nodded. “Sure, as long as it’s okay with your mom and your grandmother.”
“Thanks, Uncle Jace. I’ll be right back.” Logan set off in search of his mother.
“Does he stay with you often?” Olivia turned to ask. “Your nephew?”
“Almost every Saturday night. ‘Guys’ night,’ ” he explained with a grin.
“I don’t know many men your age who’d give up their Saturday nights to spend them with an eight-year-old,” she continued.
“Two eight-year-olds,” Sophie interjected. “Doesn’t Logan’s friend stay with you as well?”
“Yeah, they’re kind of a package deal. I won’t be surprised if Logan’s roped Cody into coming along. It might do him good. I think the wedding—his mom remarrying—has rattled him a little, maybe more than any of us suspected. He and Jesse get along really well, and he knows Jesse cares about him, but even so, he might feel a little confused or insecure about the situation.”
“Then it’s good that he has you.” Olivia reached over and squeezed his arm before turning to chat with Delia and Zoey.
“Sorry,” he whispered to Sophie. “I was hoping we could spend a little more time together tonight. Maybe take a walk along the dock, take in a little moonlight.”
“So was I. But you’re right. Logan needs you in a way he doesn’t need his grandmother.” They both knew she meant that Logan’s connection to Eric these days existed mostly through Jason.
“Thanks for understanding.”
“Of course.” She could see Logan—and as expected, Cody—dashing through the crowd toward them. “Here come your charges. Both of them …”
The boys were overtired and restless, and obviously had had far too much soda and cake.
“Mrs. Enright, it was a pleasure to meet you,” he told Olivia.
“Please, it’s Olivia.” She extended her hand. “I enjoyed talking with you. Perhaps another time we’ll continue that conversation …”
“I’d like that.” Jason turned to Sophie, who’d risen from her seat. “So … well, I guess I’ll see you … sometime.”
“Yes, you will.” She smiled when his fingers brushed against hers for just a brief second. “Bet on it …”
Diary ~
Well, what a week we’ve had around here! First—Jesse and Brooke’s wedding was lovely. Such a beautiful couple. It was so nice to see their families gathered to celebrate their marriage—all present and accounted for except for the groom’s father, but two of his ex-wives were there. One, of course, was Jesse and Sophie’s mother—charming woman—and the other was—I still can barely believe this—my favorite author in the entire world, Delia Enright! Not only did I get to meet her—she was gracious enough to sign all of her books for me—but she stayed right here, in our inn. Well, I was beside myself, you can bet. Much to my delight, I found Delia—yes, we’re on first-name basis—to be so nice and down to earth. She said she loved her stay here and would be booking at least a week this coming summer so that she could come back.
I’m just bubbling over with news tonight—I’ve learned that Sophie Enright has moved to St. Dennis to go into the family law firm. Curtis is simply beside himself—he’s very fond of both Jesse and Sophie, Violet tells me. Sophie’s already agreed to work on the carriage house restoration with us, so I’m pleased that she’s interested in becoming a part of our little community. I know someone else who’s happy that she’s staying around. I noticed her walking into the reception on Saturday night, hand in hand with that nice Jason Bowers. Could there be another love story about to be written?
You know how I adore a good love story. I’m tempted to get out the Ouija and see what her grandmother thinks about this development. Rose always did love to gossip!
~ Grace ~
Chapter 16
“IT was a lovely brunch, Pop. Everyone had a great time. Too bad Jesse and Brooke had to miss it.”
Sophie and Curtis stood on the sidewalk in front of his house, waving goodbye to the rest of the family. The New Jersey group had made the trip together, in Nick’s Escalade, and Mike and his kids had all driven separately and were now on their way back to wherever they’d come from. Sophie still couldn’t keep her uncle Mike’s boys straight. They were close in age and looked a lot alike.
“Jesse and Brooke have their own agenda. They should be arriving in London right about now.” Curtis tucked Sophie’s arm through his. Together they walked along the path to the front door, which Curtis had left standing open.
“Let’s see how the caterer is doing with the cleanup,” Sophie said once they were inside.
“Now, they know what they’re doing,” he told her. “No need to check up on them, or on me, for that matter. You don’t have to hang around, Sophie. I can handle the caterer. T
his wasn’t my first party, you know.”
“I’m sure, but I’ll stay till they’re finished, all the same.”
“You have a big week ahead of you.” He ushered her into the living room. “You’re going to be Enright and Enright for the next seven days. You might want to rest up.”
“I’ll be fine. Jesse and I went over all the big cases, so I know what to expect. He has nothing on the docket for another ten days, so no court appearances will be necessary. Mostly I’ll be meeting with clients, conducting a few interviews, and becoming acquainted with the caseload. All in all, not such a tough week.”
“Did I mention how happy I am that you’re planning on taking the Maryland bar and joining your brother?”
“Once or twice.”
“Is that all?” He chuckled. “Somehow I lost count.”
Sophie watched him slowly lower into his favorite chair. “Pop, are you feeling okay?”
“Just a little tired. I’m not used to so much festivity in one weekend.” He rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes.
Sophie watched from the sofa, her shoes off, her legs pulled up under her. She’d hoped to take this opportunity to talk to him about the restaurant and her plans, but now was clearly not the time. He was obviously exhausted. She’d stay until the caterers left and make sure he had dinner and headed up to bed early. She closed her own eyes, thinking about the upcoming weeks and all she would need to accomplish. She’d just finished planning her opening-day menu when the scent began to envelop her.
“Okay, how are you doing that?” She opened her eyes.
“Who are you talking to?” her grandfather asked.
“You. I’m talking to you. There’s no one else here.”
“Are you sure of that?” A small smile played across his lips.
“Come on, Pop. Fess up. If you’re somehow making that happen, just tell me, okay?”
“Do I look as if I’m doing anything except trying to take a nap in my favorite chair?” He raised his head a few inches off the back of the chair and opened his eyes.
“Somehow you rigged something …” Sophie got up. “I know. It’s one of those plug-in fragrance things. You found one that smells like gardenias, right?” She began to search for outlets in the room. When she failed to find what she was looking for, she went into the hallway.